Today, i went to visit Finny at his house. He had just recently shattered his leg and will not be able to participate in any sports. So when i went to visit him he was very happy. Until, i brought up the accident. I just can't take it anymore knowing that it was all my fault that i did this to him. So, i told him that on my way up to his house that i was thinking about him the whole time and the accident. I then went on to tell him that i caused it. Of course he did not believe a word i said. Then i told him that i jounced the limb and that i caused it. I jounced the limb on purpose just so he would fall. Like always Finny didn't believe it. But i was arguing with him that i did do it. I started to get real angry and i told him to stand up and hit me but that he can't anyways, that he can't even come near me. Then Finny got offended and said he would kill me if i would not shut up. Then i went on and said that he should go on and kill me and that now he knows what it feels like, now he knows himself. Finny was very upset at the comment that i made towards him and told me to leave and that i make him sick. I then realized that i just hurt Finny even more by telling him this. That i caused an even worse injury to him and that i must take it back. We then sat there in silence for a little while then i finnally broke the silence about asking him if he was coming back to Devon in a few weeks. He said yes, that he will be there by Thanksgiving anyways. I then knew that i had to get myself out of his house. So, the only way to do it was to make every false move. I told him that i had a long trip and that i don't sleep well on trains so I am not making very much sense. He then asked me if i was going to start living by the rules. I lied again and said "Oh no. i wouldn't do that." That had to be the biggest lie of them all.
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