Thursday, April 8, 2010

Trying to get the facts

Brinker decided to come in to Finny and mine's room and take us to the Assebly Hall. He wanted to get the fact straights about Finny's leg. I was getting a little scared because i didn't want the to think i pushed him. So the sat Finny down and asked him what had happened. He said that he was up in the tree and that i was down at the bottom of the tree. Finny did not exactly know the whole story and he kind of forgot it a little bit. So what they did was bring in Leper, becuase he was there and he remebers most of the details. He mostly remebers the little things. So Leper was brought in and told his story. He said that he saw two bodies up on the tree branch, but he couldn't see them becuase the sun was in his eyes and that he had to cover them. But he said once he covered them he could see the two bodies but they looked blacked. He said that the one guy was next to the trunk, holdiong the trunk of the tree. The other one was alittle farther out on the limb. Then he said they bothed moved like an engine. He said the one holding on to the trunk sank for a second, up and down like a piston, and then the other one sank and fell. Then Brinker broke in and said that the one who fell was Phineas. Then all of sudden Leper felt that he souldn't be telling the rest of the story. He said that he is not a fool anymore and that he had information that might be dangerous. Phineas had heard to much and got up and said that he doesn't care anymore. Brinker then said that he doesn't have the fact and thats when Phineas freaked on him. Then Finny walked quickly out and then he was walking down the steps and fell.


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